Saturday, April 30, 2011

Blood Shot Eyes!

 My friends. Lyrics from a song that could describe last night would be Thrice's: Artist and the Ambulance. "My world goes black before I open blood shot eyes, look into florescent white, flip the siren, hit the lights"

The night started off with attending one of my good friends Brigham Goodson's Ultimate Fights. This was his second Pro-am fight.

We were in a small but packed arena. The crowd would get pumped up periodically but over all was pretty quiet. Sitting in a group of about 20 people the anticipation built up to see our friend, our fighter. The person that has been giving his all for months to prepare for this 15 minute cage fight.

Finally we see him. He is announced as Brigham "I'll Steal Your Girlfriend" Goodson. (Classic) He marched out with his hands high. Johnny Cash playing in the background. A person could barely hear the music though. Why? The crowd was going crazy. Well, It started with our section. "Brigham.. Brigham.. Brigham.." The energy and excitement spread throughout this small coliseum. His opponent sat in the caged octagon waiting. The ref had both of them meet in the middle.
"I know there is a difference between sleight of hand and giving everything you have. That there's a line drawn in the sand, I'm working up the will to cross it."

Brigham towered his opponent. His opponent weighed in at 207, Brig at 205. Brig being 3 inches taller and more muscular proved that his opponent brought nothing to the table physically. (to be kind). Brig on the other hand looked like a warrior, trained and ready to go the distance.

The fight starts. Brig definitely showing that he knows the difference between sleight of hand and giving all that he has. The opponent may have been trying to give all that he had but within 15 seconds it was easy to see that he was out of his element.

"Flip the sirens, hit the lights, close the doors and I am gone."

Gone. Finished.  1 minute and 30 seconds into the fight and Brig's opponent found himself face down on the ground being terrorised by heavy punches and great body positioning. The opponent gave up. Threw in the towel. "Flip the sirens, hit the lights!" He was done for.

The crowd continued to chant. "Brigham..Brigham..Brigham.." Mr. Steal Your Girl didn't get punched once. Not once. I cant wait to see his next fight.

Besides, the downed opponent another person had blood shot eyes last night. Me. After a week of staying up late and getting up early to catch our mare have her foal I was exhausted. Planning to end my night at 11 and just hit the snooze button still I randomly found myself in SLC. Which was a fun little adventure. I get a call from my dad. "She finally had it." I was exhausted, moving purely off of excitement.

"I hope I will never let you down"

There he is. Our up and coming generation of horse racing! 2 years from now we will be seeing him fly down the track.

It made for a 5 am, blood shot eyed night but it was worth it!

Here is the Song. Artist and the Ambulance

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Good Life

Sunday night riding in a car I stumbled upon a song, The lead singer gave his introduction "I wrote this song because I am thoroughly convinced that everyday when we wake up we decide if today is going to be a good day or a bad day. Everyday is what we decide to make it."

The thoughts started to flood my mind of how true this simply statement was. Everyday, week, month is filled with countless experiences: yawns, streches, smiles, laughs, times of feeling anxious, frustrated and tried. We can look forward to the trying times and the learning experiences, times of growth and life lessons learned. Finding happiness in the simple things. A night that was planned to "Feast like a king" can turn into a run to Arby's dollar menu and be just as thrilling, if not more. Every moment, bump in the road is what we want it to be or better said what we make it.

"This is gonna be a Good Life. A Good. Good. Life"